Monday, September 27, 2010

Working version of Windows Phone 7

Microsoft has presented a draft of the new Windows 7 Phone device on Engadget show. It is an early prototype of LG slider with full QWERTY keyboard, and specificity are not known, except that in 5-megapixel camera and has trotasterni interface, fast processor and a touch screen, resolution 800x480 or higher. Aaron Woodman from Microsoft, which held a demonstration showcased some details about the software. The current version uses the list of applications in the form of a column, and users can "promote" the application, or shortcuts to draw the initial screen. Applications that come with the phone will support multi-tasking (for example, play music from the player and then open another application, and the music continues playing), but does not define whether something like this can work and additional applications that are installed. It is not known whether the Win7 Phone support synchronization with other types of phones, and more information will probably not be known until September, when the first scheduled outings.

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