Monday, September 27, 2010

Windows Phone 7 v1.0 is finished

REPRESENTATIVES OF MICROSOFT on Thursday announced that they completed the basic code of Windows 7 Phone version 1.0. According to the terminology used at Microsoft, this is a release for PC manufacturers "(release to manufacturing, RTM), which will therefore be found on the first devices will be shipped with the basically redesigned mobile operating system.

Based on feedback from the testing program in which participating independent developers, this version of Windows 7 Phone has undergone several changes.

Microsoft will be the 16th September to introduce the production version of software tools to develop applications for Windows 7 Phone and early October will open stores redesigned network applications. It is speculated that at that time appear and the first phones with the operating system.

Announcement of the completion of Windows 7 Phone announced Terry Myerson, corporate vice president for development of this operativnig system.

The work of our engineering staff is largely complete. "We assume that the team will now focus on the upcoming refresh for Windows 7 Phone, which could make options such as copy and transfer (copy / paste) and some form of support for simultaneous execution of multiple applications," said Myerson.

He has also found the size of Microsoft's program to test the mobile operating system. "We had about 10,000 devices that automatically perform tests each day, more than half a million hours of active self-employment, over three and a half hours of stress tests and eight and a half hours of full automatic stress tests."

Additional comments and suggestions came from the "thousands of independent software vendors and the first users" who test the code. From Microsoft have recently said that the suite of tools for development already taken more than 300,000 developers.

Testing and quality code of the operating system and packages, development tools, the company has made a lot of positive comments. Developers have praised the quality and stability of the code, even during their presentation last summer, when given the opportunity to work with Windows Phone emulator on their computers.

Recently, Microsoft has divided the 8000 prototype devices with the operating system, while the version of "Technical previous view" (Technical Preview) published in early July. Feedback developers were again positive.

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