Monday, September 27, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Market share?

Mobile world anxiously await information about the upcoming Windows 7 Phone operating system, which could reverse the trends in the market, in Microsoft's favor or the other way ... look at what is already known - Mark Savković
Microsoft has hard-won leadership position in the field of operating systems for smart phones left to others: as for keeping compatibility with old applications, due to the inertia of the manufacturer, a platform that is most promising is featured on the wrong road.
We remember that the devices based on Windows Mobile (and its predecessors) received the first high-resolution color display touch screens, powerful processors and graphics subsystems, and support for Bluetooth, WiFi and data synchronization with e-mail server. Microsoft was then stopped and allowed competitors to break away from an important part of the pie. Most have benefited BlackBerry, which was already very popular among business users, the iPhone in fashion world, thanks to design and excellent user interface and "tačkuj on and put the Android, which grabs both categories of users.
A look behind the curtain
At the recent Mobile World Congress announced a revolutionary new Windows 7 Phone, which should respond to the glove thrown by the competition. In a previous article we learned about the basic characteristics and in the meantime, they had a few more details. To begin with, at is fully functional kit for all who are interested in developing applications for this platform. The package as Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone, Phone Emulator Windows, Silverlight for Windows Phone and XNA Game Studio 4.0. Emulator supports touch screens and multitouch, and the right time to start the download just as you read these lines.
Differences in versions 6.5.xi 7 are significant to the extent that the new version of Pocket Windows stops compatibility with old applications - Microsoft dared to stop one of the key advantages of this platform and start from scratch. In addition, WP7 will be multitasking, one of the important features of Microsoft operating systems pocket. We wonder whether this was a necessary step back, while Microsoft tends to us a certain system applications will be able to work at the same time (did someone mention PalmOS or iPhone?).
Despite the odd lines of development, impatiently waiting on the platform, primarily because of the display and organization of content. The combination of excellent effects, and simple 2D graphics (which at critical moments obtained 3D component) revolution has changed the user interface. On the main screen can assign shortcuts to applications and system settings, and by moving up / down and left / right to move the pocket desktop. All shortcuts are animated, and suggest what is behind the option works.
All hubs Windows
Home screen shortcuts, except to lead to new organizational units, hubs, which are organized by type of information. The most interesting part of the Office who is now under the veil of secrecy. Tight integration with OneNote, and SharePoint content as well as synchronization with Exchange Server-om are key advantages wears intended for business users.
Things are clearer when it comes to the People Hub, set the display to horizontal scrolling and display contacts from different sources, regardless of whether it comes to Exchange or Gmail contacts as well as those with social networks, they can be automatically sorted in the interval interaction with them. Capacitive screens are planned for WP7 devices include multitouch support, and the Web browsr completely turned this mode of governance.
The phone that will use Windows 7 Phone must have at least three command buttons: Start, Back, Search, as well as additional keys to activate the phone and run the camera. Not planned patching option buttons, or change the user interface. Since manufacturers will be expected powerful processor and strong graphics subsystem with minimum 256 MB of RAM. The start will be supported WVGA resolution (480 × 800) and later added to HVGA (320 × 480). It is assumed that all the major manufacturers who are currently collaborating with Microsoft to make devices for this platform, so expect first models firm HTC, LG, Samsung, Toshiba ...

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